I believe hormone health is something everyone should pay attention to. Healthy cycles are not just for women looking to become pregnant. Our cycles are a key part of our overall “Wellness Dashboard” letting us know if everything is running smoothly or if there is something in our health we should take a closer look into.
When I learned about how certain hormones are naturally supposed to rise and fall within my cycle (progesterone, estrogen, testosterone), I was shocked at how many symptoms improved with this simple routine.
If you want to take steps away from the typical cramps, acne, mood swings, fatigue, and feeling “blah” with your cycle, I’d highly recommend looking into seed cycling.
In short, flaxseeds and pumpkin seeds are packed with a whole host of antioxidants and nutrients (which we need regardless!) and phytoestrogens that balance estrogen out for half of your cycle. Sesame and sunflower seeds essentially balance you out in the opposite direction for the other half of your cycle, which facilitates the natural ebb and flow of progesterone and estrogen.
Highly recommend. It’s easy!
I personally worked with a coach–Leah–and that partnership absolutely changed my life. Sure, you can do this on your own, but having someone–a friend, an accountability partner, or a paid and qualified coach–really seals the deal. Why put in the effort if we aren’t serious about getting a return on our investment? I can’t recommend Leah more highly. Listen to our conversation here or wherever you listen to your podcasts.
Link to my favorite how to video that walks you through the process if you want to learn more!
You’ve got this!
March 19, 2024
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