In fact, it’s been the complete opposite to the point where it dawned on me that I actually developed a pattern of resisting being something I already am. I became a new mom, and yet I was finding it so difficult to identify as one. Our society doesn’t praise the mundane tasks typical to the average mother’s busy day, and I didn’t respect them at first either. Rude looks in public as I navigate a hungry baby waiting in a long line trying to get out of the grocery store and I near my breaking point. My productivity is 1% of what it used to be just as a simple byproduct of the choice I’ve made: First, I stay home with Russell and, second, I grow my business. Much to my surprise, babies take a lot of time and mental bandwidth!
But with that resistance has come the most beautiful realization. Many of us resist the same exact thing but in a different circumstance.
I am a mom. Fact. I can’t change that for the rest of my life no matter what unforeseen events might occur. No matter how much I wrestle with this new identity that includes a whole lot of things I quite frankly dislike doing.
You are loved
And just the same,
YOU are a child of God, you are loved, and you are marked as perfect, redeemed, righteous, and pure. You can wrestle with that all you want, but it can’t change the reality of how God sees you. I think a lot of us would experience a different level of satisfaction in our day-to-day if we lived it knowing the truth of just how valued we are. We don’t even need to lift a finger to make that value “earned” in any way. We just are! You are so loved, so valued, and there’s nothing you can do about it!;)
P.s. Something else I have found tremendously helpful is supporting my body during this time. Check out this interview with my dear friend and hormone expert Leah to get some tips on how to stay hormone healthy as a busy mom! And if you feel like you need more support in the day-to-day care of kiddos, try these suggestions for who to follow!
March 14, 2024
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